Shipping & Returns

If you wish to make a return, it must be within 7 business days from the day you received your order, as long as the conditions of good condition of the product are met.
Returns are the responsibility of the buyer, and it will not be necessary to receive the package with the same company used by Salud Med , it will always be necessary to attach a photo of the defective item through Once we have received it, we will enter the amount of your order or exchange the product, deducting the amount of the initial shipping costs. Returns must be made to the address indicated by the seller (contact us), indicating the order number and personal information of the person who made the purchase. Only returns received through a delivery company will be accepted.
IMPORTANT: It is necessary that returns be sent in the same condition in which they are received. Inside the packaging and the order number. If the products are received in poor condition, a refund will not be made.
It is important. If there is no one at home when the courier makes the delivery, they will deliver again the next day (except holidays).
If you are not present at the second delivery, the corresponding company will leave the notice that your order is at its nearest branch.
IMPORTANT: When you receive your order, always check that the packaging is in good condition. If this is not the case and you notice that it is broken, open or beaten, you can contact us.
To file a complaint, customers can contact Beauty Shop through the Contact section of the website. If a customer complaint is found justified after checking an item, the customer will be notified of the repair of the item, the cost of which will be assumed by Beauty Shop or the replacement of the item with an identical one if repair is not possible, within the terms established by current legislation. Any defects, scratches and/or stains on the item caused by neglect, misuse or mishandling, or wear and tear caused by normal use will not be considered justified complaints. The deadline for filing a complaint will be established by current legislation. If you receive an erroneous order or a defective product, we ask that you contact us immediately, within 24 hours, at the following email address, indicating the error or defect, along with your personal details: