The First Micro-CPAP Without Helmet and Without Mask

$44.90 USD
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You read that right. We invented a micro-CPAP device that It has no hoses, no cables, no mask . We did it because too many people have sleep apnea and too many of them don't use their CPAP masks. Who can blame them with those masks and hoses?

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is usually caused by a blockage of the airway when the soft tissue at the back of the throat collapses during sleep. If left untreated, OSA It causes a number of serious health problems, including high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, memory impairment, weight gain, and headaches. The standard treatment for OSA is what is known as “continuous positive airway pressure” or CPAP. Does snoring cause cancer?

CPAP machines can mitigate this problem, but their poor design causes people who suffer from sleep apnea to give them up: 80% of CPAP users stop using them within a year . This device intends to change that with a revolutionary design that will work as well as any other CPAP machine, and patients won't have to deal with cumbersome and uncomfortable masks.

Another reason why patients leave Traditional CPAP is that they get dirty and need to be cleaned regularly , due to their large size, it is very problematic to clean... Not so with this device. Micro-CPAP is small in size and easy to clean . As a result, every night you get a clean device. This device also frees you from the "clutter" of uncomfortable straps and loud humming that come with other CPAP machines.

The design of this device is a combination of several inventions, the main one being microblowers originally intended for heat regulation for computer chips. These micro blowers are completely contained within the device, so there is no need for external air hoses. Each device is battery powered, so no power cord is necessary. Simply "plug" the comfortable buds into your nostrils and breathe all night.

CPAP Masks Have Difficulties to maintain a perfect seal on your face as you move during sleep. The sound of air currents will not only wake you up, but also your partner . The hoses used by CPAP masks drag on the side table and bed, causing sleep interruptions. But this device creates a snug fit inside your nostrils without hoses getting caught on anything. Better yet, snoring is eliminated.

Think how liberated you could be with not just one good night's sleep, but hundreds of them. Think about the health problems you will avoid . Think about the energy you will have. Think about how much more productive you will be at work, the potential car accidents you will avoid, even your golf handicap will be reduced by 3 strokes. In summary, Think about how liberated you will be when you start using this device to control your sleep apnea.

How micro blowers work: